Victory Over Satan

Had I know I would have never deliver my life to it,
I woke up one morning to discover that I had a strange feeling,i feel that the flesh started it work but I never knew I could overcome it,i stay idle and begin to deliberate on it.
my mind keep telling me I have to do this,i called my former girlfriend to visit me at home she came,before she arrive I began to think and said if she come I wont do anything with her afterall I just want to see someone beside me just to make that feeling was conquered.
she came and we chat and laugh together,then this how it all began to get deep.
we talk about the past and about our difference that make us depart then same spirit came we begin to had it that we cant control it again(sex).
after we are done we laugh and smile and it ended there,then what get me afraid was that same night I slept and had a dream that we are doing some kind of sport  people were so happy and shouting.
it get to my turn to run the race the crowd were so happy that the shoutings were so much more than my fellow opponents as if am the one they are expecting, as the race  commence i took the first step the second step am about to take I found myself elsewhere no one was there it was so silent and dark,I need to wake afraid and had to sleep back just to go back to that race so that i can let the people see what they expect of me  but all in vain.
i was so angry,then i remember the work of flesh i committed in the afternoon,I cried and no one to say sorry.
then i came to realise that flesh as master my faith rather than God to master my temptation.
Therefore i brethren we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard,lest at anytime we should let them slip.for if the word spoken by angels was steadfast,and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward.(Heb 2v1-2).
Brethen what i could have done at that moment is to command the work work flesh to flee at that moment.
When God master your life temptation is a bit to overcome you,if i had think of the suffering jesus went through all to save me, i would have conquer it.
As a youth let Word of  God Master our lifes to be able to conquer flesh and it work this can lead to a destruction we don't expect and lost the gift of God for ourlifes.
He is indescribable God .

Click on it, to know about the upcoming glorious concert:
Revealing Jesus 2017 (season 4)
